things that are needlessly complicated by illness: the haircut

Haircuts are a big deal. In the beginning my previous hairdresser would bring a chair out into the alleyway of her shop, spritz my hair with water, clip, clip, clip, and I would run home and rewet it and dry it just to see if the cut was a good one and even. She sold her shop and couldn’t do my hair anymore. I found someone else who came and did it in my back yard and we plugged the hairdryer into a socket on the patio. Then he left. Number three came and did my hair outdoors the same and even came in and put a tyvek suit on in the winter.

Now I go to my daughter’s home and a woman comes there to cut my hair. The list of tasks that have become more difficult is endless. Today I had to go to the store to get my bottled water that they special order for me. I needed my 7th Generation Laundry soap. There were no store employees nearby so I wrangled a young man and asked him to go down the aisle and get it for me. Oh BOTHER!

2 responses to “things that are needlessly complicated by illness: the haircut

  1. Oh gosh I hear ya!

    I’ve started cutting my own hair :S

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