Identification–Please : a reblog

It has been some time since I have taken the opportunity to look at searches that have led others to my blog.  The last few days there have been several search words that have shown up on both days.  Today I will address the search of “allergic to penicillin and cipro, should I wear medical id jewelry”.  I think if anyone has a serious allergic reaction or sensitivity to medication especially, it is not a bad idea to have some type of medical identification bracelet.

I wrote a post on October 15, 2012 after reading a wonderful post by the same name from Lindsay at musings of a dysautonomiac .  My original post follows with a link to Lindsay’s blog post as well.

This was the title of a post by a fellow blogger.  I have borrowed the title.  Many folks with severe illnesses such as heart disease, penicillin allergies and diabetes wear some form of medical identification bracelet or necklace to alert medical personnel of their condition.  I had heard about Medic-Alert  ( here in the US and knew of people who wore these necklaces and bracelets.  I always thought they were ugly and was grateful that I didn’t have to wear one.

There is a saying “be careful what you wish for”.  In my case “don’t get to smug or it will slap you in the face.”  I had been sick for about a year and began developing more allergic symptoms to medications than I could keep track of.  Then I began developing sensitivities to chemicals.  Finally I had to break down and give in to the ugly gold chain and ID tag.  I have worn it faithfully and replaced it when the chain clasp has worn and become broken.  The bracelet has been invaluable on more than one occasion when access to my medications and allergies has been needed.  Medical personnel merely need to dial the toll-free number and immediately get my information.

Recently I saw that the bracelets are now offered with beaded bracelets rather than the clunky chains.  My own bracelet has been coming undone in the middle of the night and I end up away from home without realizing that I don’t have it.  The clasp is wearing out.  I have always wanted something more delicate; something that looks more like jewelry.  Then the brainstorm hit.  A very dear friend of mine makes jewelry and is going to make me a one-of-a-kind beaded bracelet to attach to my ID bracelet.

What does my bracelet say?  Asthma – Allergic Latex – Drug, Food and Chemical Allergies.

Do you have a medical identification bracelet?   What does yours say?

Thank you Lindsay for your blog post that has led to my own.  Lindsay has begun designing bracelets to wear with her own medical identification tag.  Visit Lindsay’s blog to learn her story and see the bracelets she has designed for herself:

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