Tyvek – this mold survivor’s best friend

Recently I read a blog post on another site.  The post was about having company come in with fragrances, sitting on the furniture and causing the environment to no longer be safe.  It made me think about my own surroundings and guests.

I don’t have a lot of visitors into my home.  I think the biggest reason is that if you want to come visit me, you must put on a Tyvek suit.  The suit helps block out fragrances from laundry soap and keeps them from accumulating on my furniture, not that I have anything exciting but my wicker chairs do have fabric cushions.  The suit also prevents anyone who may have mold on their clothes from contaminating my home.  I know this may sound extreme, but I have been through a lot with my mold exposure.  The last thing I need is for my house to be cross contaminated with mold spores or mycotoxins and have nowhere to go.  There may come a day when I no longer have to be so careful; I just don’t know when that will be.

So until then, if you want to visit me or ride in my car, put on the Tyvek suit.  I buy a one size fits all (XXL).  If the sleeves or legs are too long, just roll them up.

4 responses to “Tyvek – this mold survivor’s best friend

  1. Kathy, of all the things that I know you continue to suffer with due to your mold exposure, this situation with the Tyvek suit continues to just be the most heartbreaking to me as I contemplate how you keep such a positive and up beat outlook on your life as it is now…..for I know that in your shoes I would struggle with this and fear that it would overwhelm me emotionally!!

    You have all of my admiration and respect for how you handle this one dear friend!

    • Thank you Trish for your always kind and heartfelt words. After a while it just becomes a routine that we go through at my house. My brother-in-law rode with my husband and I somewhere and we told him that he had to put on a Tyvek Suit. So now everytime he wears one, he says he is a “Tyvekian”. Reminds me a little of Star Trek and the different life forms they encountered – maybe there was a “Tyvekian” out there that they had yet to encounter.

      Somewhere I have a photo of my younger daughter where she has taken the suit and wrapped it somehow to dress it up. I will see if I can find it and if she will give me permission to use it on this site.

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