Readership Award

Readership Award

Last week I received an additional award.  This award came from doilooksick.  I love the logo for this award.  After all who doesn’t like fireworks?

This is an award for good readership – in other words, a THANK YOU to your loyal readers! While I am grateful for each and every person who chances upon this blog, there a few that I would like to mention in this award.

Rule 1: Display the pretty firework picture. (check!)

Rule 2: A great reader is someone who… leaves insightful comments, shares your work with others, and truly has an IMPACT on the blogs they read!

Rule 3: Nominate 14 readers who fit your description! And here they are! I am turning into quite the rule breaker lately because I am going to break or bend the rules slightly here.  I have a few followers who have left wonderful comments and supported others who have commented on my blog.  These particular followers are not bloggers but have been faithful followers and readers of this blog since the beginning.  Because this is a “Readership Award”, in my nominations you will find both bloggers and non-bloggers alike.  To all my followers here and those not mentioned, thank you for following along with me on this journey and for your support.  I hope that I am all caught up on my award acceptances.

  1. Patricia Lush (Patricia has been a follower since the very beginning of this blog.  She is a fellow mold survivor that I met through another support group quite some time ago.  Not only does Patricia comment on my posts, she offers support and shares her story with others who are asking for help and support.)
  2. Melissa (Melissa is a new follower.  I am including Melissa because she is where I was in the beginning – searching for help and answers.  I am happy that she has found my blog and hope she continues to comment and share her story.
  3. (Since following my blog, Sonda has not only supported and encouraged me, she has shared many of my posts with her fellow MCS sisters via her blog.)
  4. (Has been a follower of this blog for some time and comments often.)
  5. (Rachel has been a very active follower of my site and has been a great support here.)
  6. (MCS Gal has been a wonderful supporter and offers good comments for myself and my followers.)
  7. (Ellen is well versed in energy and has offered great insights to my posts.)
  8. (Christine is a regular follower who frequently comments.  I know Christine is going through a health crisis and may not be able to fully accept this and I wish her the best.)
  9. (I first met Jennie during my nearly year-long stay in Dallas.  Jennie is very intuitive and offers wonderful words of comments and advice.)
  10. Loretta (Loretta is someone I have known for many years and knows of my struggles first hand.  You will read about her in my book.  I am happy that Loretta continues to follow me and comment.)
  11. (Miche is also a fellow mold survivor and chemical sensitivity sufferer.  She recently interviewed me about my book and my life struggles.  I hope to be able to share the interview soon.  Miche shares her struggles and what she finds has helped her with my readers.)
  12. Roxie (Roxie is a high school classmate who recently reconnected with me and follows this blog religiously.  Despite our having not seen each other in years, she immediately embraced me and my new differences.  She is very supportive of me and this blog.
  13. Princessandthepea1 (Has been a follower for over half the lifetime of this blog.  Princess is a frequent commenter and has offered support to me.)
  14. (The Allergista’s list of allergies and sensitivities looks as long as my own.  I appreciate her comments on this blog.)

15 responses to “Readership Award

  1. Kathy, I thank you very much for the award! It is food for the soul when we are appreciated!! You have been such a blessing to me, long before this blog began! To your readers I would like to say that if not for Kathy sharing her journey with me, just as she does everyday here with all of you, I would not have found my answers. She directed me to my pathologist Dr. William Croft, a world renouned mold scientist in his own right. Kathy and Dr. Croft both have been the key to all the success and healing I have found in the years since my exposure! I deeply appreciate and respect the good you do for all of us here with this blog!

  2. Pingback: AWARDS– AWARDS– AWARDS– & MORE AWARDS!! | sondasmcschatter

  3. Big Kiss and Hug xxoo Thank you. You always manage to brighten my tough days. I’m in bed, been isolated for the last week after compounding exposures that were necessary to sort out life: my daughter’s VCE issues, a broken car leaking radiator steam into the cabin, driving a loan car, a visit into the smog of the city, and then, the last one that hit me harder than usual: fragrance from a fragrance emitting device that was all over my daughter’s clothes from when she visited her best friend. I was breathing in the chemicals from them for four hours before I realised they were laying in a pile in the house (ready for washing apparently!). The rule in that house (the mouldy one back in the city) (and in this beach house) is that ‘un-clean’ clothes stay outside. I was so ill I could barely lift my arm. That particular fragrance’s immunogenic powers have knocked me flat!

    The positive to that (three days later) is I can type in bed, catching up with my ever expanding blogger family. I love it that there are so many of us on the internet.

    (Hi there, Sonda!)


    • HI BABE!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

    • Miche

      I am so sorry to hear that you have had such a rough time. I have been thinking about you a lot lately and haven’t emailed you. I hope this setback won’t last for long and that you are feeling better soon. No one, other than those of us who have experienced these setbacks can truly understand how far they drag us backwards. Take care of yourself.

  4. I see Rachel beat me to it by nominating you for this award! 😛 But I also included you as one of my nominees for this award (and the “most influential blogger” award). I’m not sure if I’m supposed to nominate the same people that often, but I don’t care, you deserve it every time!! 🙂

    • Katie – I haven’t seen anything about how often or how many times folks can be nominated for these awards. Thank you for your kinds words. Thank you for the nominations. Most Influential Blogger is new to me. I will reply but it may take me a few days to get it done.

  5. Thanks so much Kathryn! SO nice of you to mention me for this award. I’ve been thinking of starting a blog for years I might just have to take that leap now 🙂
    Support is something I feel is quite lacking in my 16 year battle. I think my need for understanding/support coupled with my years of experience navigating and surviving this wild adventure my environment and genetics have thrust upon me, MIGHT make a good blog??
    Hope today is a good day for you!
    Thanks again!

  6. Thanks Kathryn! 😀

  7. Love the fireworks. So NYE! My award is on this page (in case you didn’t see it yet:) I’ve nominated you for an award too.

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